
Sorry, had to 😀

Wait…Wait!!  Here comes the chorus!!  VACATION…ALL I EVER WANTED!! VACATION..HAVE TO GET AWAY!!!!!

*ahem*  🙂

So, being in a hagwon (private school), I kinda get pretty minimal vacation days…in exchange for smaller class sizes.   I get 10 days off + all public holidays.  (Um..Korea, you need to add more holidays to your list…and stop making them on the weekends! grrr!  You’re a bunch of crazies!)

Anyway, here are my current vacationing plans:

Bali, Indonesia: late July (I have the dates in front of me, but I feel weird putting them online)
Here and Here for info.  Oh, and here.

Thailand:  Late December/Early January
Here and Here
(beaches, tigers and elephants, oh my!)

Japan: during Korea’s harvest festival in Sept/October
I have a friend teaching in Japan and I want to come visit her 🙂  And we can go to Tokyo Disney! 😀

Beijing, China: 3 day weekend (Thanks Buddha!)–this will be a back-to-back non-stop weekend of sight-seeing.  I’ve heard that it can be done, and that yes, it’s basically a crash-course for Beijing, but you can easily see all the main stuff in 3 days.
(Thanks to excellent public transportation!  Gr…we need this in America.  Get with it.  Gosh…we’re so sad.)

Here.  And here.

I have so much more on my list (while I’m on this side of the globe) and just not enough time to see it all:
Australia (I know it’s far…I want to go so bad.  Perhaps after my contract is up…)


Anyway, that’s two updates in one night…probably going to go read and then head to bed.

Edit:  Well, honestly, those places and general travel around Korea will be enough to keep me very happy 🙂

Are you sure you don’t want to come teach in Korea??  It’s pretty nice once you start to get settled in 🙂

3 thoughts on “Vacation!

  1. I’m planning to go to Thailand too. But I’d look into China a bit. I really wanted to go to China, after all, Incheon is just a hop, skip and jump away, but I changed my mind after looking at visa information. For Americans, it costs 140(?) USD just to get a Visa. I’ve kind of nixed plans to see the mainland for now.

  2. ^Yeah, that’s what I heard :-/
    I really want to go…mainly to see the Great Wall…but the visa is crazy. I was at a book club meeting yesterday and I heard from a Canadian that theirs is like $60. I think a visa into China for US citizens is actually well over $200.

    Gah. Now I’m starting to second guess it. You can do a lot with $200…

  3. Stacey All those places….look…..awesome! I am totally with you on the Australia trip As you know I’ve been wanting to go there for years 🙂 Oh have a Happy St. Patrick’s Day will ya!

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